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How Komuso increased revenue by 15% with Nostra

Komuso was created to help you breathe better. The Shift is a tool that makes it easier to breathe your way back to calm.

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Fort Lauderdale, FL
Breath Better

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“Customers usually already have an idea of your product. They just have to decide whether or not to purchase — and you have less than a minute to convince them. Nostra’s tech has enabled stellar site speed, allowing us to capture and retain every shopper’s attention.”

Todd Steinberg
Co-Founder & President of Komuso


Launched in 2018, Komuso Design is on a mission to relieve stress and anxiety for people of all walks of life. Their one-of-a-kind, wearable breathing tool, The Shift, was designed by psychotherapists to increase calm and focus through extended exhales — all while doubling as an elegant accessory. 

The Challenge

Komuso lost potential conversions & revenue due to slow site speed

The team at Komuso struggled with laggy site speed for months. Todd Steinberg, Co-Founder & President of Komuso, recounts, “Our site took ages to load, causing prospects to bounce before they had even seen the page.” They tried numerous solutions, such as in-house workarounds, resizing images, and contacting their Shopify Plus manager, but none of these moved the needle.

Komuso needed an affordable, turnkey solution to cut down loading time, streamline the user experience, and ultimately boost CVR. In Todd’s words, “You only get customers’ attention for such a short time — you can’t waste it with a laggy page.” Luckily, they came across Nostra.

“We had multiple conversations with multiple services. We were honestly desperate to boost our site speed to improve the customer experience. We couldn’t find a cost-efficient solution that was also impactful — until we met Nostra.” 

The Solution

Nostra delivers instant, sustainable improvements to site speed & CVR

The average Komuso visitor has three concerns when deciding whether or not to purchase their flagship wellness product: 

  1. How is this product made and tested? 
  2. Is the product based on scientific evidence? 
  3. What makes Komuso better than competing brands? 

To answer these questions upfront, Komuso relies on educational yet engaging content. As a result, their site is filled with large files like HD videos, images, and additional pages — causing longer load times and high bounce rates.

When Nostra implemented our Edge Delivery Engine™ without changing any of Komuso’s site content, the brand was amazed by the overnight change in their site speed. According to Todd, navigating their store suddenly felt like “a seamless experience where you get everything you want on demand.” It turned out that shoppers agreed. By ensuring a smooth site experience and frictionless path to purchase, Komuso saw a sustained jump in conversion rates from day one.

“Our product is already quite complex, so there are a lot of friction points on the path to purchase. The last thing we want is to add a slow website to that. With Nostra, the progress was almost instant. We saw an incredible lift in our metrics that has lasted.”

The Results

Nostra’s low-cost, scalable Edge Delivery Engine™ drives sales & revenue

After an introductory call with the Nostra team, Todd thought, “This feels like a partner who actually cares.” Not 24 hours later, his brand was up and running on our Edge Delivery Engine™ with zero technical lift on their end. Since then, Komuso has seen impressive results, including: 

  • Decreased initial page load from 330+ms to < 65ms
  • 15% increase in sustained conversion rate
  • 15% increase in revenue

In addition, Todd highlights that Nostra’s scalability means we don’t require the usual maintenance schedules or unexpected updates. “With Nostra’s evergreen solution,” he explains,

“We don’t have to spread ourselves thin. We can just set it and forget it, and it’ll still drive impressive results.” 

Looking forward, Komuso has ambitious plans to scale and help even more people of all ages, cultures, and occupations live calmer, happier lives. To do so, they’ll need reliable site speed to educate and connect with customers — and they trust Nostra to provide it.

“There are so many things we need to take care of every day: Shopify updates, pricing, social media comments. Improving our site speed and the user experience were two major tasks. Thanks to Nostra, we know we have them covered, regardless of how much we change our website.” 

No matter what your brand’s selling, site speed is always critical for growth and your bottom line. Book a demo with us today to see how Nostra can elevate your website’s performance, revenue, traffic, and conversions!

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