
From Zero to One: Mastering Facebook Ads for DTC Success

In this expert collaboration with Eric Oh, we discuss strategies for optimizing your Facebook ads, leading to higher conversion rate and maximized ROI.

Eric Oh
Founder and CEO, @Echo Partners

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From Zero to One: Mastering Facebook Ads for DTC Success

Mastering the art of marketing is a challenging task, particularly when it comes to navigating the complex world of ad spend. There are many factors to consider, making it difficult to determine whether your ad strategy is working in your favor or merely generating fruitless clicks. 

To explore the power of strategic paid advertising, the Nostra team interviewed Eric Oh, Founder and CEO of Echo Partners. Eric's proven track record of revitalizing eCommerce brands offers essential lessons for any growing DTC business. His journey, marked by early dropshipping hurdles overcome through data-driven analysis, highlights the importance of relentless optimization in the ever-changing Facebook Ads landscape. With 4+ years of paid media expertise, Eric's insights have propelled brands like Pearl Paradise, Tomorrow’s Laundry, Hypland, Sundae School, and Shadow Hill USA toward their advertising objectives.

Drawing on his expertise in paid media. Eric provides top insights and advice for eCom brands looking to level up their ad spend. Below, we cover: 

  1. How to set up thoughtful Facebook ad campaigns
  2. Why your ads aren't leading to conversions
  3. How to best optimize your time in ad spend

Let’s dive in.

How to set up thoughtful Facebook ad campaigns

Thousands of businesses struggle to create ads that genuinely appeal to their target customers, often lacking clarity on what precisely draws them in. This hurdle, particularly for those just starting in advertising, can significantly drain a team's energy, resources, and time.

With this in mind, Eric offers a three-step approach that prioritizes simplicity yet yields significant impact. The objective? To steer brands away from tedious and complex approaches and instead provide straightforward guidance to help them achieve their desired goals efficiently. 

Broaden your ad set

While there's ample advice on tailoring ad sets to specific interest groups, Eric advocates for a more straightforward approach. Instead of narrowing down to distinct groups, he recommends starting with a broader range of ads showcasing various creatives. By casting a wider net initially, you can capture a more diverse audience and then fine-tune your targeting based on the performance of these broader campaigns.

Adopting this approach allows Facebook ads to fine-tune creatives tailored strictly for different target demographics. As a result, this saves resources that would otherwise be spent on targeting exclusive interest clusters and, instead, facilitates the rapid identification of the most successful ad creatives.

Reduce audience overlap

In the world of advertising, technology is your friend, that’s why Eric recommends using Facebook's Dynamic Creative Testing feature to ensure precise data gathering. By harnessing precise data insights from your ads, you can strategically avoid audience overlap, allowing you to pinpoint the most influential creatives.

While some overlap in the value proposition is inevitable, Eric stresses the importance of maintaining separation for clear results. Eric says,

"When you're a '0 to 1' brand, you have to test these bigger ideas with the least amount of overlap so you know what's going to hit, even though they may not be the most stable in the beginning."

This Facebook feature will allow you to segment your spending data and delve into performance analysis based on dynamic creative components. By dissecting by amount spent and identifying the most significant investment areas, you can pinpoint the creatives that Facebook deems most effective, yielding stable and consistent results to amplify scalability.

Establish a feedback loop

Consumer behavior can be unpredictable. What succeeds one week may not perform as well the next. Establishing a structured feedback loop is crucial to staying attuned to these shifts. This involves categorizing your most effective ads into distinct campaigns, simultaneously maintaining a 'standard performance' campaign to act as a control group, enabling accurate evaluation of achievement parameters and acquisition costs. With your benchmark campaign stable, you're in a prime position to compare innovative ad creatives against it, uncovering avenues for potential enhancements.

Throughout this process, Eric stresses the importance of patience and diligence in monitoring your ads' progress. Regularly check the amount spent and assess week-over-week fluctuations in cost per acquisition per ad. Once you identify the most stable ad, discover what adjustments it requires to reach its full potential and align with your brand's desired outcomes. 

For example, if your brand seeks greater ad stability, focus on iterating the successful angle. To inform these iterations, utilize data points such as average watch time or hook rate, derived from the ad itself. This data-driven approach enables brands to refine specific aspects of their ads and create distinct variations tailored to maximize effectiveness.

Why your ads aren't leading to conversions

Pinpointing the root cause of your ads not converting can be quite a conundrum. In Eric's experience, the issue often doesn't lie within the ad itself but in the user’s post-click experience. Here are three of the most common mistakes Eric typically sees in the post-click experience: 

Mistake #1 - Misjudging your competitive landscape 

Creating an engaging and alluring ad is a vital component of a successful campaign, but one must pay attention to the highly competitive nature of the eCommerce sector. 

No matter how effective your ad is, if your product isn't competitively priced within its corresponding market, you risk driving potential buyers towards more appealing offers. This miscalculation could lead to missed conversion opportunities, undermining the overall success of your campaign.

Mistake #2- Shortchanging your products

If your brand can't explain the value of your product, how do you expect potential customers to? This mistake brings us back to Eric’s first point: eCommerce is competitive! If your business can't convince a potential buyer why your product is better than others, they will look elsewhere. 

That's why Eric emphasizes the importance of product storytelling. Your brand must effectively showcase why your product is the best choice to differentiate from other products that might be similar to yours, if not the same. This can be done by highlighting the unique selling points within the product, giving a backstory to the brand, providing happy customer reviews, etc. When combined with competitive pricing, this minor yet essential adjustment can make all the difference in your ad's success.

Mistake #3- Underestimating the impact of site speed

When it comes to the post-click experience, especially for users landing on a website through an ad, the initial moments are critical. To illustrate, imagine rushing into a supermarket to grab some milk. You spot a sampling table featuring a new type of popcorn and decide to stop for a taste. However, the seller asks you to wait while she runs to the back to pop it.  Chances are, you'd walk away annoyed and puzzled as to why it wasn't ready to begin with. This mirrors the reaction of customers arriving from an ad. If you've already diverted them from their original task and are attempting to sell them something they hadn't initially intended to purchase, they will bounce if your site fails to load promptly. 

A study by Google confirms this: bounce rate increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. However, the consequences of slow site speed go beyond higher bounce rates and lost conversion chances. As Eric highlights,

"Excessive bounce rates, often caused by sluggish site speed, can harm advertisers by increasing acquisition costs and raising CPMs." 

Attaining fast site speed keeps visitors on your site and improves Facebook's perception of you as a trustworthy advertiser, ultimately reducing customer acquisition costs and potentially higher bids.

How to best optimize your time in ad spend

After years of running successful Facebook ad campaigns with multiple brands, Eric enjoys passing on his go-to advice for optimizing time:

Prioritize a centralized landing page

If you're just beginning your journey into advertising, Eric recommends not wasting time and resources testing different landing pages per ad source. The best move is to centralize your efforts and create a solid, high-converting landing page. 

Here are some tips reflecting Eric's earlier advice: Firstly, ensure that your landing page tells a compelling story that showcases your brand identity or highlights your best-selling products. Secondly, prioritize optimizing your website for fast loading times, which significantly influences user experience and engagement.

 Concentrating on a single, well-optimized landing page simplifies your approach, saves time on creatives, and amplifies the impact of your advertising endeavors across different channels.

Relinquish Control to Scale Campaigns

While ramping up ad campaigns, brands often encounter a common stumbling block - a hesitancy to let go of the reins. This stems from a deep-seated desire for complete control over their ad initiatives. As a result, the power and potential of Facebook's machine-learning capabilities are sidelined.

Considering this, Eric recommends embracing campaign budget optimization, allowing Facebook to manage the spending autonomously within the campaign. Embracing Facebook's automation facilities, brands can reallocate their focus from continuously tracking ads to more crucial business elements.

From now on, you're ready to create, improve, and fast-track your Facebook ad campaigns towards triumph.

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