Stop poor website speed from crashing your conversion rate.

Is Your Shopify Page Speed Costing You Thousands In Lost Sales?

Website speed is one of the leading causes of abandoned checkouts and low conversion rates. Nostra ensures your website performs at it's best so you don't lose sales anymore, with results in record time.

In this FREE assessment, you will...

  • Receive an in-depth page speed assessment.
  • Uncover bottlenecks in your website.
  • Determine the potential for improvements.
  • Learn how Nostra can significantly increase your conversion rate.
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“Using Nostra’s Edge Delivery Engine™  ensured we saw faster website speed and better campaign results from our Facebook ads.”

Erin Potempa-Wall
Founder & COO @The Beachwaver Co.

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How Nood Increased CVR by 24% and Improved ROAS with Nostra
Faster Time to First Byte
Increase in
Faster Load Time
Bryan Cano
VP of Marketing at Nood
Image of Nood's best selling products; lazer, cleanser, and post lazer cream.

The Challenge

Slow site speed and failed CVR strategies lead to lost time and revenue

As an emerging company, Nood invests a significant amount of time and resources towards paid marketing – making CRO initiatives even more important. When your traffic is paid, missed conversions are more than just lost revenue – they are wasted ad spend. In an effort to improve its conversion rate, Nood, like many eCommerce brands of their size, turned to a CRO agency for help. After more than three months of collaboration and twelve split tests, it became evident that none of the changes made were yielding meaningful results.

“We began to have an identity crisis…” Bryan Cano, VP of Marketing at Nood said. “How did we spend $50,000 [on a CRO agency] to have nothing happen?”

Beyond the direct cost of the agency, Bryan lamented the price of this setback in terms of opportunity cost. Between an estimated $80,000 spent on engineering time and $500,000 in missed conversions, Nood’s agency experience cost them ten times more in reality than it did on paper.

Sadly, this experience is not uncommon among Nostra customers. While CRO agencies can achieve fantastic results for their clients, there are diminishing returns to scale, as with many optimizations. Once a brand reaches the size of a company like Nood, the levers available to them and any UI/UX based CRO agency they hire are often small. Slight modifications can only yield the most marginal of gains.

As Black Friday, a pivotal day in eCommerce sales, rapidly approached, the Nood team felt stuck. They decided to part ways with their agency and redirected their efforts towards improving their site speed – a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of CRO.  To tackle this challenge, they experimented with in-house solutions. Unfortunately, they encountered the same hurdles they faced with their previous agency. Implementing common tactics for reducing latency yielded minimal results and consumed substantial development time. Looking externally, they considered hiring a Shopify specialist. However, the process proposed by the specialist was complicated, and given their tight timeline, they had to retract.

With just a week remaining until Black Friday, Nood's prospects of finding a rapid and effective solution seemed bleak. Luckily, a friend of Nood recommended Nostra.

The Solution

Nostra's Edge Delivery Engine™ boosts Nood’s site speed – improving CVR and ROAS

Having heard glowing reviews about the product, Nood scheduled an introductory call with Nostra. Impressed by both the suite and the dedicated team behind it, Nood decided to give Nostra a try, praying for a swift implementation under the gun of Black Friday.

Reflecting on the simplicity of the process, Bryan Cano, VP of Marketing at Nood recalls, "We didn't have to do anything, which was incredible. The entire setup on our side was setting up some permissions on Shopify. It took 30 minutes max of labor from someone on our team."

Just like that, Nood's website was up and running at lightning speed just three days after their initial call. The implementation was finished two days ahead of Black Friday — an outcome they had barely believed possible.

“It doesn't require any maintenance or ongoing management. The fact that the tool can sit in the background and do what it's supposed to do is a massive value add for lean teams that don't have in-house developers or don't have the resourcing compared to other tools that require a lot more maintenance and ongoing management.”

The Results

With Nostra, Nood witnessed a 24% increase in CVR and a 25% decrease in cost per add-to-cart

Like many other brands, Nood invests heavily in advertising, a cost center where the price of results is always on the rise. With Nostra’s Edge Delivery Engine™ in full effect, Nood’s load time was reduced by 28% overnight – and their Cost per Add-to-Cart plummeted 25% in turn. Across all traffic, Nood’s conversion rate improved by a whopping 24%. Summary of results:

25% decrease in Cost per Add-to-Cart
24% increase in CVR (1.92 to 2.5)
28% faster Load Time (7.4s to 5.3s)
57% faster TTFB (580ms to 240ms)

With Nostra, Nood now has a new benchmark for user experience, conversion rate, and ROAS.

Looking ahead, Bryan warns companies not to overlook the importance of site speed. His suggestion? Put site speed first, then dive into further CRO strategies.This approach will establish a new baseline and serve as the unwavering foundation for subsequent optimizations.

“Nostra will always be a part of our tech stack. It's a necessity, a cost of doing business. The opportunity cost of not having Nostra far exceeds the fees. Without it, we're leaving money on the table."

No matter what your brand's selling, site speed is always critical for growth and your bottom line. Book a demo with us today to see how Nostra can elevate your website's performance, revenue, traffic, and conversions!

Don’t believe us?
Trust our customers!

Image of Haley Pavone.
Haley Pavone
Founder & CEO at Pashion™
Customer since March 2023

I truly cannot say enough positive things about Nostra. It's the most simple, effective, no-brainer solution I've come across for site speed. We saw an immediate impact on CVR (increased by over 25%) and AOV, and therefore, revenue. The Nostra team has been incredibly attentive and supportive every step of the way.

Chrissy Hudson
Director of Business Development at Kate Hewko
Customer since May 2023

We were using the most popular speed app for a while and just not seeing results. Awful load time. We switched over to Nostra over the summer, and our speed shot right up. Last I checked, our load time is sub 100ms for most pages. This is significant for us, especially because lots of our PDP has video content.

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Increase in Conversion Rate
Increase in Speed Time
Increase in Average Order Value
Increase in Repeat Customer Rate